Russia Plans Based Moon ComplexFull Life CentersWords about Russia is planning to build a living space complex on the Moon.Construction starts 2016 to 2025. The first complex prototype will be in 4 parts. The plan will be 4 modules in the complex. First is residential. Than a laboratory first focusing on energy & scientific experiences. The cost will reach over 10.3 billion rubles. For space development this is cheap. Russian rubles are almost worthless on currency exchanges.
Some of the puzzles that people list for the public get indexed by the search engines (like Google). Some people find those puzzles and cannot figure out how to make a puzzle of their own. So this page now has the navigation sidebar. There are now buttons on the puzzle so that you can get a clean page, in either HTML or PDF, that you can use your browser's print button to print. The PDF format allows the web site to know how large a printer page is, and the fonts are scaled to fill the page. The PDF takes awhile to generate. Don't panic! |