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Bone Structure and Function

Riley Guy

Periosteum outermost layer, dense irregular tissue
Compact Bone  allow vessels and nerves to run along a bone, allow two bones to articulate.
Spongy Bone  hole that lets thing travel through
Nutrient Foramen  holes in the bone for vessels and nerves
Nutrient Canal  break down bone
Nutrient Vein  rounded ends of long bones, contains the spongiest bone/marrow.
Nutrient Artery mature bone cells
Epiphysis bony extensions that serve as attachment sites for muscles, tendons, ligaments, and some joints
Diaphysis where veins and nerves pass through
Metaphysis halfway point between epiphysis and diaphysis, site of bone growth
Epiphyseal Plate  oxygen to
Depressions growth plate
Openings  build new bone (ossification)
Projections  CO2 away
Osteoblasts dense, hard bone that provides resistance to compression
Osteoclasts innermost layer, contains marrow
Osteocytes long shaft of long bones, thick layer of compact bone with a small amount of spongy bone/marrow inside

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