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Visual Testing Terms - simplified

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Visability Density of luminous flux on a surface measured in (Lux)
Saturation The ratio of luminous intensity on a serface
Reflection An instrument used for remote/ indirect viewing using lenses, fiber optics or prisms
Monochrometer Values that define a mask filter in image possessing
Luminance Light from outside of the testing procedure
Lumen Combo of specular and diffuse
Light Excessive brightness
Illuminance The angle at which the intensity of the light beam is 10% of its full intensity
Glossmeter Excludes, Passes or Amplifies signals or parts of
Glare Drawing a conclusion from patterns or shapes that aren't completely perceived
Filter Coefficient Light detecting device that couples individual components together
Filter Luminous flux (one lumen)
Field Angle Objects in an image that seem suspect and are tagged for examination
Fiber Optics The quality or state of being perceived by the eye
Feature Extraction Reflective or comparative color
Direct Viewing Units of luminous intentsity
Depth of Field Directly viewing something with the eye
Contrast Range of distance in focus
Closure Diff. between amount of light reflected or transmitted by an object and background in the field of view
Charge Coupled Device Adjustment of focus in the eye to optimize vision
Candela measures the level of specular reflection (gloss) on a surface by shining a light beam at a specific angle onto the surface and then measuring the amount of light reflected back at the same angle
Borescope Thin fibers of glass used to transfer light
Ambient Light Isolates monochromatic radiation from a beam of light
Accommodation Visual Electrode magnetic radiation detected by the eye (380 -780nm)

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