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Liquid Particle Terms

Wetting Action Fine Free Flowing
Visual Adaptation Solvent catagory
Visible Light Test piece with known defects to verify penitrant process
Viscosity Removing serface material using chemicals
Type Temp at which vapor ignites
Sensitivity Level Surface of the material being viewed
Known Defect Standard Liquids ability to flow over a serface
Fluorescence  Fluorescent or Visual
Flash Point Water based that makes penitrant "water washable"
Hold out sample Oil based liquids makes penitrant "water washable"
Form Developers
Non Aqueous Developers particles suspended in non water based vehicle
Dry Powder Time penitrant stayed on serface before removed
Etching Penitrant seeping to the serface
Lipophilic Emission of visible radiation during the absorption of black light
Hydrophilic Difference in brightness or color
Emulsifier Interacts with oil to make surface "water washable"
Dwell Time Eye Adjustment
Developer (320 - 400) Elect Radiation
Contrast Unused penitrant for comparison testing
Class How sensitive a penitrant is to finding defects (1/2 - 4)
Bleed Out Liquids resisting sheer flow
Black Light 400 - 700
Background Bleed out Accelerant

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