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Units 0 and 1 Review

Please match the following terms with their definitions.

Martin Luther King Jr.  Lack of interest
Apathy Had an indirect democracy
Rooney Rule  Had a direct democracy
Racial Profiling  Laws that limit consumption, especially of food, clothing, and furniture, to prevent extravagance
Democracy This president will be most remembered for the War on Terror
George W. Bush  A term similar to separation of Church and State
Brown v. Board of Education A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state
Wall of Seperation Leader of the Civil Rights movement in America
Tobacco The use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense
Plymouth Aims to increase the number of minorities hired in head coach, general manager, and executive positions
Jamestown  An example of a raw material
Mercantilism  Made slavery illegal
Middle Passage  A stage of the Triangular trade when enslaved Africans were transported from West Africa to the Americas
13th Amendment  This meant England bought raw materials cheaply from America and sell finished goods back to America
Sumptuary Law Was the first representative government
House of Burgesses This US Supreme Court case stopped segregation in schools

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