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Financial Formulas


Match the formula name to the correct formula

1Net Profit Margin _____Opening Inventory + Purchases - Closing Inventory
2Total Costs _____Quantity Sold x Selling Price per unit
3Current Ratio _____(Gross profit ÷ Revenue) x 100
4Cost of Goods Sold _____(Gross profit ÷ cost of goods sold) x 100
5Sales Revenue _____Fixed Costs ÷ Contribution
6Gross Profit Margin _____(Current assets - inventory) ÷ current liabilities
7Liquid Capital Ratio _____(Net profit ÷ Capital Employed) x 100
8MarkUp _____Fixed Costs + Variable Costs
9ROCE _____Current assets ÷ Current liabilities
10Gross Profit _____Sales Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold
11Breakeven  _____(Net profit ÷ Revenue) x 100

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