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5% Enrollment  Wonderful! We are pleased to know that you would like to use your Discover card more often. I would be happy to process a credit line increase application for you today
APR Questions I appreciate you keeping track of your statements /being on top of your account. It is important to us that you receive your statement on time. Let’s take a moment to review your account and I would be happy to send you a copy of your statement.
Balance Inquiry / Review Transaction Thank you for bringing that to our attention! Im sorry to hear that your card is missing. I will do all I can to minimize any inconvenience for you. First, let’s take a moment to review some of your recent
Cash Advance  I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble logging into your account. I can understand how frustrating that can be. I would be happy to get you on over to the department that can further assist you today.
Close Account I can definitely review your Cash Advance information with you. We appreciate you wanting to take advantage of this benefit!
Compromised Account Of course! I understand how concerning it can be to get an unexpected fee. I can definitely look into that for you
Credit Line Increase I can understand it can be concerning to hear that your account has been compromised. I would be happy to review your account.
Deceased Of course! We appreciate you staying on top of your account information. I would be more than happy to review the APR information with you.
Declined Transaction  Of course! I would be happy to provide you with your balance! We appreciate you taking the time to be on top of your account information!
Late Fee I can definitely assist you with making your payment today! Thank you for being on top of your account balance!
Lost/Stolen  That is very exciting that you would like to pay off your account. I can absolutely assist you with your request today
Missing Statement  I am sorry to hear that you would like to close your account but I can definitely assist you with the process. May I ask the reason you would like to close your account today?
Payments I can understand how concerning it can be to have your card declined. Let’s take a look at your account and get this corrected for you so you can continue with your day
PIF Quote Thank you for calling. I understand that you are calling for your (spouse/parent/child/etc) and for the security of our card members, we cannot release account information without his/her permission. Are they available for me to speak with so that I can get permission to speak with you on their behalf?
Redeem CBB Congratulations on earning $XX in cashback! It would be my pleasure to assist you with redeeming today.
Third Party Absolutely! I’m happy to sign you up! We appreciate you taking advantage of this promotion!
Web Support My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. I can definitely assist you with your needs today

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