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SHRM-2024-Terms-Consultation-Analytical Aptitude

Karen Burton

Consultation and Analytical Aptitude Modules

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) Tool designed to analyze the forces favoring and opposing a particular change; a group identifies and weights factors that could influence an outcome in either a negative or positive manner according to their possible impact and then uses these factors to score different opportunities.
J curve Visualization of the impact of change on productivity. When change is introduced, there is typically a decrease in productivity and then a gradual return to or, ideally, a surpassing of previous levels of productivity.
SOAR analysis Technique in which participants each suggest ideas through a series of rounds and then discuss the items, eliminate redundancies and irrelevancies, and agree on the importance of the remaining items.
Force-field analysis Extent to which a measurement instrument measures what it is intended to measure.
Consulation Extent to which a measurement instrument provides consistent results.
Mode Average score or value.
Validity Raw average of data that gives equal weight to all values, with no regard for other factors.
Standard deviation Type of analysis in which a team determines critical characteristics of a successful decision and then uses a matrix to score each alternative and compare results.
Qualitative data Type of analysis that starts with a result and then works backward to identify fundamental cause.
Nominal group technique (NGT) Comparing the sizes of two variables to produce an index or percentage; commonly used to analyze financial statements.
Root-cause analysis Data-sorting technique in which group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas.
Variance analysis Providing guidance to organizational stakeholders; involves diagnosing problems or identifying opportunities, developing effective solutions, winning support for solutions, and implementing them effectively.
Mean Objective measurements that can be verified and used in statistical analysis.
Scenario/what-if analysis Value that occurs most frequently in a set of data.
Trend analysis Subjective evaluation of actions, feelings, or behaviors.
Weighted mean Type of analysis in which a group identifies strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results; a framework that combines fact finding with an organization’s goals and desires, presenting an analysis of the organization’s actual state and how it will measure achievement.
Unweighted mean Middle value in a range of values.
Focus group Average of data that adds factors to reflect the importance of different values.
Ratio analysis Statistical method that examines data from different points in time to determine if a variance is an isolated event or if it is part of a longer trend.
Affinity diagramming Distance of any data point from the center of a distribution when data is distributed in a “normal” or expected pattern.
Mind mapping Statistical method used to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship.
Median Technique that progressively collects information from a group of anonymous respondents.
Quantitative data Statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned and actual performance or outcomes.
Delphi technique Small group of invited persons (typically six to twelve) who actively participate in a structured discussion, led by a facilitator, for the purpose of eliciting their input.
Reliability Data-sorting technique in which a group categorizes and subcategorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn.
Regression analysis Statistical method used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a strategy to see if the likely outcome can be improved.

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