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SHRM-2024-Terms-Business Acumen-CorpSocialResponsibility

Karen Burton

Business Acumen and Corporate Social Responsibility Modules.

Liabilities The benefit created when an organization meets its strategic goals; measure of usefulness, worth, or importance.
Balanced scorecard Money an organization’s customers owe the organization.
Net profit margin State of being in accordance with all national, federal, regional, and/or local laws, regulations, and/or other government authority requirements applicable to the places in which an organization operates.
Equity Economic, social, and environmental impact metrics used to determine an organization’s success.
Accounts payable Business management software, usually a suite of integrated applications, that a company can use to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities.
Balance sheet Practice of purchasing and using resources wisely by balancing economic, social, and environmental concerns, with the goal of securing the interests of present and future generations.
Assets Statement of an organization’s ability to meet its current and short-term obligations, showing incoming and outgoing cash and cash reserves in operations, investments, and financing.
Cash flow statement Financial, physical, and sometimes intangible properties an organization owns.
Business case Statement that reports revenues, expenses, and profits for a specified period of time, for example, quarterly or annually.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Presentation to management that establishes that a specific problem exists and argues for a proposed solution.
Service-level agreement Ratio of gross profit to net sales.
Value Organization’s debts and other financial obligations.
Value chain Ability to use information to gain a deeper understanding of an organization and make sound business decisions.
Income statement Amount of owners’ or shareholders’ portion of a business.
Gross profit margin Money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers.
Business intelligence Applications that can analyze data faster and in more ways than traditional relational databases, offering a multidimensional analysis of business data.
Accounts receivable Document that defines the output customers can expect.
Analytical processing Performance management tool that depicts an organization’s overall performance, as measured against goals, lagging indicators, and leading indicators.
Governance The process by which an organization creates the product or service it offers to the customer.
Ethics Varying ways an organization can create value, looking beyond traditional profit measures of revenue and expenses; includes such areas as philanthropy, volunteerism, corporate-sponsored community programs, social change, sustainability, corporate governance, employee rights, and workplace safety.
Corporate social responsibility (CSRO Ratio of net income (gross sales minus expenses and taxes) to net sales.
Sustainability Set of behavioral guidelines that an organization expects all of its directors, managers, and employees to follow to ensure appropriate moral and ethical business standards.
Triple bottom line System of rules and processes set up by an organization to ensure its compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, internal codes of conduct, and other standards.
Compliance Statement of an organization’s financial position at a specific point in time, showing assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.

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