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Karen Burton

SHRM 2024 Terms for: Ethical Practice Module and Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion Module

Cultural taxation A feeling that one’s success is due to luck, not hard work or skill; can lead individuals to feeling unfit for their current role.
Inclusion Treatment of personal information that has been disclosed to another person or organization.
Covering Exchange of anything of value to gain greater influence or preference.
Employee resource group (ERG) Additional workload that is generated for members of an underrepresented group due to their requested participation in DE&I efforts.
Diversity Defensive behavior that occurs when an organization recruits a diverse workforce but, consciously or otherwise, promotes assimilation rather than inclusion.
Imposter syndrome Voluntary group for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.); also known as affinity group or network group.
Neurodiversity Refers to a workforce that approaches problems using different conceptual thought approaches that may stem from atypical brain structure, for example, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anything categorized as existing on the autism spectrum (autism spectrum disorder, or ASD).
Privacy Ability to stay true to values and maintain integrity in both personal and professional lives and, from an organizational perspective, approach to forming and maintaining relationships with colleagues and others in the organization.
Authenticity Maintaining consistency between one's values and one's actions.
Code of conduct The similarities and differences between individuals, accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity.
Confidentiality An individual’s right to freedom from intrusion (by viewing, monitoring, reading, etc.) into matters, actions, or information that is personal.
Bribery Principles that guide decision making and behavior in an organization.
Conflict of interest Situation in which a person or organization may benefit from undue influence due to involvement in outside activities, relationships, or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or its outcomes.
Integrity Extent to which each person in an organization feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued as a team member.

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