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SHRM-2024-Organizational Effectiveness & Development

Karen Burton

Organizational Effectiveness & Development (from Organization Module)

Geographic structure Organizational structure in which departments are defined by the services they contribute to the organization’s overall mission, such as marketing and sales, operations, and HR.
Matrix structure Work groups that assist line units by providing specialized services, such as HR.
Functional structure Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both; results in some employees reporting to two managers rather than one, with neither manager assuming a superior role.
Organizational development Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.
Chain of command Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.
Span of control Organizational structure in which geographic regions define the organizational chart.
Departmentalization Line of authority within an organization.
Formalization Process of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.
Line units Work groups that conduct the major business of an organization.
Product structure Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.
Staff units Organizational structure in which functional departments are grouped under major product divisions.

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