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Unit 2 Vocab


Unit 2 Vocabulary test words

epidemiological transition theory The average number of children born per woman during
Anti-natalist policy When a country has the same number of births and deaths in a given year, its RNI is zero
Neo-Malthusians A person who leaves their country because of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political opinion
arithmetic density The average number of people per unit of land area (usually per square mile or kilometer)
megacity heavily populated areas that illustrate the unevenness in global population distribution; geographers have identified four population clusters on Earth: South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe
Baby Boomers Designed to curtail population growth by reducing fertility rates
doubling time A nearby attractive locale where migrants may decide to settle instead of going to the intended destination farther away
chain migration The number of years it takes for a population to double in size
population clusters People born from 1946 to 1964 during the post-World War II uptick in birth rate
dependency ratio The process by which some people's migration to a new place leads their family members, friends, and others to move to the same place
Zero population growth (ZPG) People who today subscribe to the Malthusian view of population
forced migration The average number of people per unit area (a square mile or kilometer) of arable land
transhumance A very useful graphic device for comparing age and sex structure
guest worker A term derived from the name Thomas Robert Malthus, an English economist and cleric, to mean either "of or relating to Malthus's theory" or "a follower of Malthus"
total fertility rate Seeks to explain how changes in health services and living standards affect patterns of disease
intervening opportunity A city with more than 10 million residents
population pyramid a person with temporary permission to work in another country
Malthusian A phenomenon where herders and their livestock move seasonally between their summer and winter pastures
physiological density The number of dependents in a population that each 100 working-age people (ages 15 to 64 years) must support
refugees Migration caused by forces out of one's control, such as disasters, social conflicts, or developmental projects

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