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AVID 12 Common App Vocab

Advisor Any form of test that either requires all test takers to answer the same questions in the same way, and that is scored in a “standard” or consistent manner. This makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or groups of students. Many colleges require you to take and report the results from certain standardized tests.
Application Fee A request to the college to remove the application fee. Using either the Common App fee waiver, which your counselor must confirm, or a college-specific fee waiver, you will not be required to pay the fee to submit your application.
Counselor A recommender role that lets you share your in-progress application with a trusted individual. Advisors can keep track of your progress, though they don’t submit any forms on your behalf.
Counselor recommendation  Not required by every college, these are additional writing prompts asked as part of the college specific questions. The Writing Supplement can only be submitted once your application to that college has been submitted.
Early Action  A form submitted by your high school counselor that typically summarizes your academic performance from freshman year to the end of your senior year of high school. The final report is the last form your counselor will submit.
Early Decision The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is used to determine your eligibility for federal, state, and college-sponsored financial aid. This includes grants, educational loans, and work-study programs. Be sure to visit the FAFSA website for more information.
Essay A transfer student is anyone seeking to continue their college education. Common App for transfer supports a wide range of applicants including community college students, 4-year to 4-year transfers, new and returning adult learners, and veterans and active military members.
Evaluation A form submitted by your high school counselor to provide basic information about your academic performance.
FAFSA Funding in the form of grants and loans to help you pay for education-related expenses including tuition, room and board, textbooks, and supplies for college. Funding in the form of grants and loans to help you pay for education-related expenses
Fee waiver A decision plan that lets students submit an application at any time throughout the year. Colleges will review applications as they receive them, and make admission decisions throughout the year.
FERPA The “personal essay” or “personal statement” within the Common App gives you the chance to tell your story and to show off your writing skills. Not every college requires the essay and you can filter by this requirement in the College Search tab.
Final report A writing prompt that your teachers and non-academic recommenders can use to elaborate on what they think colleges should know about you.
Financial Aid  A break you take in your formal education, typically between graduating from high school and starting college.
First-year An application process in which you apply by a specific date and then receive an admission decision within a stated period of time.
Gap year The fee a college charges you to apply to their institution. The amount varies from 1 college to the next. See Fee Waivers.
Other recommender A “binding” application process by which you commit to enrolling in a certain college if you’re admitted. You can apply to other colleges, but only apply ED to 1 college. If admitted, you must withdraw your other applications.
Rolling Admission An application process to apply and receive a decision earlier than the regular decision notification date. Unlike early decision (ED), EA is “non-binding” and you have no obligation to enroll and will have until May 1 to consider the offer and confirm your enrollment.
Writing supplement An individual who provides academic, career, and college readiness to all K–12 students through a school counseling program. The counselor is also responsible for submitting your transcripts to colleges.
Transfer You are a first-year applicant if you will be completing high school this academic year or if you have never enrolled at a college or university. Please check with the colleges you applied to see which application type is best for you.
Transcript  A type of recommender that lets you invite coaches, employers, etc. to support your application for admission. Be sure to check the college’s Other Recommender requirements.
Standardized tests A broad-based assessment written by your counselor to address things like your academic, extracurricular, and personal characteristics.
School report  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that protects your education records. To learn more, visit the U.S. Department of Education.
Regular decision  Documentation to prove which courses you’ve taken and the grades you received for those courses. Your counselor will be required to provide an official transcript on your behalf.

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