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1-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -iac, -ial, -ic, -ical, -ior _____surgical removal; excision
2-algia _____condition
3-cyte _____substance that produces
4-ectomy _____pain
5-emia _____specialist (one who stidues)
6-gen _____pertaining to
7-ia _____structure; tissue;thing
8-ine _____surgical repair
9-itis _____blood condition
10-logist _____inflammation
11-logy _____tumor;mass
12-megaly _____process of cutting;incision
13-oma _____surgical opening
14-osis _____disease
15-pathy _____a substance (noun) pertainin to (adjective)
16-plasty _____study of
17-stomy _____cell
18-tomy _____enlargement
19-um _____abnormal condition

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