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Combining Forms

1anter/o _____tissue
2arthr/o _____near the point of origin; near; close
3bi/o _____sugar; glucose
4cardi/o _____liver
5caud/o _____back of the body
6cephal/o _____below
7cervic/o _____belly side of body; ventiral aspect
8col/o, colon/o _____middle
9cost/o _____cell
10cyt/o _____neck; cervix (neck of uterus)
11dist/o _____heart
12dosr/o _____joint
13enter/o _____tail
14gastr/o _____internal organs
15glyc/o _____rib
16hepat/o _____front
17hist/o _____back (of body); behind
18infer/o _____flesh; connective tissue
19later/o _____away from the point of origin; far; distant
20lip/o _____disease
21log/o _____large intestines; colon
22medi/o _____fat
23my/o _____intestines (usually the small intestine)
24neur/o _____stomach
25path/o _____muscle
26poster/o _____life
27proxim/o _____chest
28sarc/o _____nerve
29super/o _____side
30thorac/o _____head
31ventr/o _____above
32viscero/o _____study

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