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Gryphons Ice Breaker 2024

Shazma Mann

Ice Breaker for Gryphons Team

In High School I wanted to be a Physical Therapist Carlos Constantino
I am a bit of a thrill seeker and gravitate towards activities that others might shy away from. I love and have been sky diving, hang gliding, dirt biking, zip lining, motorcycle riding (this one I did not like) and any roller coaster. I once rode the same roller coaster 12 times in a row within an hour. Simarpreet Kaur
My mother was 44 and my dad was 53 when I was born. Rowan Pinto
Growing up I played hockey against 2 former NHL players including a Stanley Cup winner. (Ryan Getzlaf & Josh Harding). Richard Cotter
I have been chased by a Coyote.  Marriane Taggio
I decided to test the theory that “what goes up must come down” while skiing at 12,000 feet elevation in Breckenridge, Colorado in the middle of a snowstorm. Turns out, gravity and I had different ideas. Ski patrol had to give me a first-class “rescue ride” down the mountain after an hour of trying to pinpoint my exact location.  Barb Burley
I used to workout with the Toronto Argonauts when I was in First Year University. I went from 110 pounds to 180 pounds, gaining muscle mass in only 6 mths! Mia Byrne
I used to race on motorbikes Shazma Mann
One of my favorite McDonald’s order is Mcflurry Beatrice Oyewole
I previously owned a valid racing license that allowed me to compete in karting tournaments Marcio Abe
I was a lead debater in the school debate team  Kurtis Nagle

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