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Shrubs of Idaho


Blue huckleberry Holodiscus discolor
Buffalo Berry  Philadelphus lewisii
Kinninckinick Symphoricarpos albus
Mountain Maple Amalancier alnifolia
Ocean Spray Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Oregon Grape  Shepherdia canadensis
Pachistima Vaccinium globulare
Ninebark Cornus stolonifera
Red-osier Dogwood  Acer glabrum
Serviceberry  Pachistima myrsinites or Paxistima
Shiny Leaf Spiraea Berberis repens or Mahonia repens
Snowberry  Physocarpus malvaceous
Syringa  Rosa gymnocarpa
Twinflower Spiraea betulifolia
Wildrose Linnea borealis

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