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Ms Zinat

Write the correct vocabulary by the definition sentence.

shape of the land Topography
height above sea level of a point on Earth's surface Equator
difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of area Plain
feature of topography formed by the processes that shape Earth's surface Latitude
plains, mountains, plateaus Globe
landform made up of flat or gently rolling land with low relief Relief
landform with high elevation and high relief Elevation
group of mountains that are closely related in shape, structure and age Symbols
landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface 3 main types of landforms
model on a flat surface of Earth's surface Map
phere that represents Earth's entire surface Key
can represent physical features such as rivers, lakes, mountains Mountain range
list of symbols used on the map Landform
imaginary line that circles the Earth located halfway between the North and South poles dividing the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres Plateau
imaginary line that goes from the North Pole to the South pole dividing the Earth into Eastern and West Hemispheres Mountain
measurement used to measure distances around the circle Degree
lines parallel to the equator. Lines from east to west. Latitude is a measurement of distance north or south of the equator Longitude
Lines perpendicular to the equator. Lines from North to south. Prime meridian

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