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Art Words

Trinidad LC Flenner

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unity  a metal framework on which a sculpture is molded with clay or similar material.
harmony  creates cohesiveness by the similarities of separate but related parts
variety adds excitement, drama, and overall compositional interest to an artwork.
proximity  illuminated manuscript is a formally design borders and miniature illustrations
alignment the arrangement of various items
motif  a circular tool used to transfer ink from plate to paper
random pattern  a tiling that has a repeated pattern of one or more shapes
regular pattern  a style of decorative art, architecture, and design
alternating pattern a painting, drawing, photograph of a person,
theme colors that include black, white, gray, tan, and brown
allegory  in which the printing surface is cut away so that the image alone appears raised on the surface
portrait  relating to seeing or sight.
landscape  colors next to each other on the color wheel example: green, blue-green, blue
abstract/ nonobjective  a dominant element in the center (horizontally or vertically) that creates symmetry.
content  teaching various forms of visual arts to students
emphasis containing or using only one color
dominance a state of being alone.
focal point is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas.
location analyze visual arts' meaning at the time they were created.
isolation artists who draw still pictures to amuse, entertain, educate, and persuade people.
depth  capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs.
visual  by mixing a primary color with the secondary color next to it; also called a tertiary color. example: red-orange
kinetic  can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning
movement  a repeated decorative design.
analogous  a collection or gathering of things or people.
intermediate  a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold
neutral bridges the space between landscape architecture
monochromatic  the emotional or intellectual message of an artwork.
complementary travel to the places where the products are manufactured.
foreground  creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface
middle ground  colors across from each other on the color wheel
background relating to or resulting from motion.
relief  an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art
intaglio  the material used to create artwork
pattern the space occurring between the foreground and background
linoleum gouge a design incised or engraved into a material.
barren  the most visually interesting area of the composition.
landscape designer  a person who draws or creates pictures for magazines, books, advertising, etc
doodle  the area of the picture space nearest to the viewer
illuminations  the spatial relationship, or closeness, between elements
medium  art that does not represent or depict any identifiable object
tessellation to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else
graphic designer is repeated in a way that is predictable.
cartoonist  a form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the precise use of pattern and color
photographer carving tool for beginners with different blades for carving
industrial designer  impress a pattern or mark
art teacher using juxtaposition and contrasting elements within the composition
stamping  the part of a painting furthest from the viewer
animator  does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination.
illustrator  is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention
art historian  a person who makes animated films.
assemblage  a large area of countryside, usually one without many buildings
armature  a decorative design or pattern.
casting separate parts working together in a composition
Opt Art  a particular place or position.
Art Nouveau  is a repetition of two or more components that are used interchangeably.

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