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Soft Skills Matching Game

Jasmine Fuller

This matching game covers key points for the Soft Skills lessons.

Empathy Makes up 70% of telecommunication
Follow-up questions Opportunities to build trust and right a wrong
Greeting Keep to a maximum of 60 secs
Complaints Know your systems
Diffuse Anger Used to clarify what a person needs help with
Tone of Voice Accuracy, empathy, ownership, options and speed
Monotone Use language aids
Reframing Negatives Complete evaluation forms for guides
Closed-Ended Questions Speak low and slow for calming effect
Probing Questions Explain the "Why"
Barriers to Active Listening "Thank you for calling the All of Us Support Center, my name is ______. How can I assist you today!?
Active Listening  Are follow-up questions
Call Mirroring Thanking a participant for being apart of the program
Value Has little to no variation or pitch
Hold Time Can be answered with one-word
5 Essential Elements Excessive talking, making assumptions, multitasking
Quality Analysts Summarizing what was said
Tip for New Guides Matching others expressions, sentence construction and word choices
Managing Silent Gaps Give commentary
Don't Phrase Listening to understand
Handling Foreign Accents Putting yourself in someone else's shoes
Reflection "I don't know"

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