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L 12-13 Vocabulary

Mrs. Taylor

1implicate _____authentic; genuine
2analgesic _____a tendency; likely
3turpitude _____a medication to reduce or eliminate pain
4discretionary _____wickedness; vileness
5flummox _____disgusting; offensive to the senses; having an extremely offensive smell
6unpalatable _____warlike; inclined to fight
7histrionics _____a tomb or burial chamber
8draconian _____to enjoy; to take pleasure in
9noisome _____a large destructive fire
10punctilious _____shriveled and withered from age or illness
11veritable _____talkative
12florid _____unpleasant to the taste or to the mind
13fractious _____a cure-all; a remedy for all diseases
14moribund _____near death; about to die
15conflagration _____attentive to details in conduct or in action
16propensity _____facial features
17condescending _____to involve or connect unfavorably
18compunction _____to express oneself enthusiastically
19sepulcher _____diligent; persistent
20bellicose _____displaying superiority; patronizing
21pulchritude _____unruly; disruptive
22wizened _____extremely harsh; very severe
23rhapsodize _____rosy or red in color
24physiognomy _____exaggerated emotional behavior
25voluble _____to confuse; to perplex
26revel _____revelation; sudden knowledge or insight
27umbrage _____physical beauty
28epiphany _____left to one's own judgment
29assiduous _____feeling of offense; resentment
30panacea _____an uneasiness caused by guilt; a qualm

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