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DEUCE The failure of both service attempts. On a double fault, the server loses the point.
DEUCE COURT A softly hit ball with lots of backspin that lands near the net after crossing it.
DOUBLE FAULT A shot that travels in a straight line with little arc and little spin.
DOUBLES The score of a player who has won one point.
DOWN-THE-LINE SHOT The right side of the court, so called because on a deuce score, the ball is served there.
DROP SHOT A score of 40-all, or 40-40. (This means the score is tied and each side has won at least three points.)
FAULT A shot where the ball follows the path of the sideline.
FIFTEEN A match with four players, two on each team.
FLAT SHOT A fault called against the server for stepping on the baseline or into the court with either foot during delivery of the serve.
FOOT FAULT A served ball that does not land in the proper court.

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