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Civics Vocab



Union The powers named specifically and assigned to the federal government
Welfare  the forming by combining parts, such as states into one country
Domestic the structure of the government that sets up 3 branches of government with their own powers and responsibilities.
Tranquility a form of government based on a written set of laws all citizens agree to
Posterity  peace
Legislative   The Power of Congress to pass all laws they deem necessary and proper
Enumerated powers.  future generations
Elastic Clause The branch of government that creates laws
original jurisdiction the idea that those who govern must follow the same laws as everyone else.
appellate jurisdiction  The power to hear appeals of cases which have been tried in lower cases
Checks and Balances  well-being
Constitutional Government  The power of a court to be the first to hear a case on a specific topic
Individual Rights  the principle that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches.
Separation of Powers  referring to something at home, not foreign
Rule of Law  rights guaranteed or belong to a person.

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