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Ancient History


Fun practice for Prelim.

Hoplite  A region of north-western Iran, best known for having been the political and cultural base of the Medes.
Persepolis A symbol on a Spartan's hoplon
Cyrus I The largest military Unit in the Roman military
Cambyses II Third Ruler of the Achaemenid Empire
Darius I Referred to as the Father of History, he was a Greek Historian and geographer who lived in 484BCE. He is known for exaggerating some of his 'facts'
Legion Roman Weaponry
Lochos A German archaeologist and Iranologist who did the first scientific investigation of Persepolis in 1931.
Hoplon shield, Doru, Xiphos  Ancient Greek war fought between Athens and Sparta
Pilum, Gladius, Javelin Greek Weaponry
Peloponnesian An Ancient Greek foot-soldier who fought in the phalanx position.
Battle of Thermopylae  Different type of preservation
Lambda Tactical sub-unit in the Greek Military
Ernst Hezfield  A war fought in 480 BC between the Achaemenid Persian Empire under Xerxes I and an alliance of Greek city-states led by Sparta under Leonidas I
Eric Schmidt Second Ruler of the Achaemenid Empire
Media First Ruler of the Achaemenid Empire
Melanie Giles Founded in 550 by Cyrus the Great
Bog Conditions (Bog Bodies), Extreme dryness, Freezing or extreme cold (Otzi), Volcanic Ash (Pompeii), Human intervention (Egypt) Early capitals of the Persian Empire
Preservation A German and American archaeologist who excavated Persepolis.
Persian Empire The right climatic or geological conditions must be present for the preservation of human bodies
Ectbatana, Pasgardae A British archaeologist and academic who gave comment on the analysis of ancient human remains
Herodotus The capital of the Achaemenid Empire

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