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MLS Environmental Engineering Quiz

Turbine Affecting many things, or making an important difference to something.
Pesticide The quality of doing something well and effectively, without wasting time, money, or energy.
Amenity Works well and is the result of clever thinking and new ideas.
Demographics A chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops.
Particulate matter To improve the way something is done or used so that it is as effective as possible.
Enact A radioactive gas.
Radon A smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity.
Ingenious Something that makes a place comfortable and easy to live in.
Flow rate A very small creature that lives in plants or carpets.
Insulation A container for boiling plant and animal matter that provides power or energy.
Retrofit Very small pieces of something.
Sweeping To make a proposal into law.
Biomass boiler A state of being unprotected from something dangerous or unpleasant
Photovoltaic cladding A covering, usually on a roof, that converts the sun's rays into energy.
Exhaust A part of the population that is considered as a group, especially by advertisers who want to sell something to that group.
Mite Material that covers or protects something from sound, heat, etc.
Efficiency An engine or motor in which the pressure of a liquid or gas moves a special wheel around.
Optimize The gas produced when an engine is working.
Exposure To improve a machine or building by putting new and better parts in it after it has been used for some time.
Regulation An official rule or order.

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