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Vit D Normal functioning of muscle & nervous tissue, formation of bone, constituent of several co-enzymes
Vit A Formation of bones &teeth, buffer systems, muscle contraction & nerve activity
Vit K essential for absorbtion of calcium & phosphorus from GI tract, maintains Ca2+ homeostasis
Vit E Growth, wound healing, taste & appetite, reproductive function, protein digestion
Calcium antioxidant
Phosphorus synthesis of clotting factors
Iron conduction of action potentials in neurons & muscle tissue
Magnesium Formation of bones & teeth, blood clotting, nerve function, muscle contraction, enzyme reactions
sodium Synthesis of thyroid hormones
Potassium Affects distribution of water, buffer systems, conduction of action potentials in neurons & muscle tissue
Iodine Antioxidant, promotes would healing, prevent scarring, nervous system function, formation of RNA DNA and RBCs
Zinc Antioxidant, formation of photreceptors in retina, growth of bones, teeth, health of epithelial cells
Fluoride improve tooth structure
selenium  Required for enzyme reactions, RBC formation & function

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