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BTEC DIT - C1B - Project Planning

T Parr

Word match for Project Planning Key Terms

Gannt Chart A list of tasks that together show the length of time to complete a project.
PERT Chart Similar to a PERT chart but explicitly identifies the critical path of the project.
Critical Path Diagram A diagram that is very effective at explicitly showing the dependencies between tasks
Task Lists A diagram used to organise information & ideas around a central topic.
Written/Graphical Descriptions Broken down into a list of small tasks.
Mind Maps Simple tools can be used for better understanding tasks.
Mood Boards A way of developing software that using iterative development including teamwork, accountability and rapid delivery
Waterfall model A document that arranges media such as images, colours & text.
Iterative development Allows a simple version of a product to be developed and is then repeatedly improved on each iteration
Agile development Allows for each stage of the project to be completed before the next stage is able to begin

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