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River Valley vocab


Tigris and Euphrates Rivers a writing system made up of a combination of pictures and sound symbols created by the Egyptians
Silt a series of trade routes that connected China to the western world
Ziggurat part of a continent separated from the rest of the continent by geographic features
City-State The river of the ancient Chinese civilization
Polytheism philosophy started in China that focused on family, order, harmony, an happiness on earth
Hammurabi’s Code philosophy that started in India and spread to China that focused on reaching peace by ending suffering
Cuneiform ruler of ancient Egypt
Nile River in China the idea that leaders were chosen by the gods
Pharaoh belief in more than one god
Hieroglyphics a large temple in Mesopotamia
Papyrus a fan-shaped area of silt near where a river flows into the sea
Caste System series of walls in ancient China built to keep out northern invaders
Delta River of ancient Egypt
Dynasty the 2 cities of the Indus River Valley
Subcontinent paper like material invented by the ancient Egyptians
Monsoon a series of rulers from the same family
Indus River fertile soil deposited by a river’s floodwaters
Hindu-Arabic Numbers The main religion of India
Harappa and Mohenjo Daro a political unit consisting of a city and the surrounding farmland
Hinduism World’s 1st written language developed by the Sumerians that used wedge-shaped marks made in soft clay.
Huang He River philosophy started in China that focused on living in harmony with nature
Confucianism the river of the Indus Valley on which Harappa and Moheno-Dara were built
Daoism (also can be spelled Taoism) the world’s 1st written laws
Buddhism Rivers of Mesopotamia
Great Wall of China seasonal wind patterns that bring heavy rains
China’s 4 Greatest Inventions An Indian social class whose members are restricted in the jobs they may take and in their association with others.
Mandate of Heaven gunpowder, compass, woodblock printing, paper money
Silk Road number system invented in ancient India that we use today!

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