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Constitutional Rights

Coach Dorsey

Chapter 2.1-2.3 Vocabulary

Declaration of Independence personal, human rights recognized and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution
Articles of Confederation division and allocation of the powers of government between its various branches
U.S. Constitution loose form of charter for common government adopted by the thirteen colonies prior to adoption of the Constitution
Bill of Rights governmental system in which citizens elect representatives to decide issues
Civil rights trying a government official for misconduct in office
Due process of law Internet scanning program
Checks and Balances first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
Impeachment case governmental system in which citizens vote directly to decide issues
Political party change or alteration
Amendment commerce conducted wholly within one state
Democracy constitutional requirement for fundamental fairness in our legal and court system
Republic private organization of citizens who select and promote candidates for public office
Sovereignty freedom from external control
Interstate commerce document that consists of seven articles that provide a workable framework for our federal government
Intrastate commerce law that is intended to govern the use of computers in e-commerce
Cyberlaw law  trade and other commercial intercourse between or among businesses in different states
Browser  document drafted by representatives of the 13 original colonies

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