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English Comp Vocab 1-16

Gillian Carter

English comp vocab for week 1-16 Crowder College

Amoral  Literally, " In the year of our lord," years since the birth of Christ
Autonomous Before noon-a.m.
Autonomy  The direct contrast of one thing to another, the opposite
Autonomic A self-operating mechanism, a robot; mechanism designed to follow preset operations
Anecdote An animal that lives both on land and in the water; also an aircraft that can make either land or water landings
Anomaly A person one struggles against in a conflict, contest, or race
Apathy The classical era; ancient times
Ambiguous One who is a hater of humans; people hater
Ambitious  Generously overlooking a fault or wrong and forgiving it
Ambivalent  Relating to, or marked by autonomy; existing, responding, acting independently
Animosity  An act, form, or instance of charity or benevolence
Amphibian Literally before the war (especially the civil war in the united states)
Ambivert A shortened account of an amusing or historical incident (originally the word meant unpublished)
Anno Domini - A.D. Equal or balanced mind particularly under stress or strain; calmness
Automaton  Occurs 2 times each year
Antagonize  Literally, not normal; irregular, odd, peculiar, or strange
Antithesis  Eager to succeed or move forward (originally this word was associated with moving around and soliciting votes but common usage has eliminated the political connontations)
Anticlimax Located in front of a rear counterpart; going in time before, situated before
Antagonist  Ill-will, hostility; a strong dislike
Anthropology  One whose personality is part introvert and part extrovert
Antiquity Having 2 possible definitions, answers, or meaning
Anterior  The discipline or study of the physical, social, and cultural development of humans
Ante Meridiem An event, statement, or conclusion that is much less important than what preceded it or was expected
Antebellum Lasting for an indefinite (long) time, or a plant that returns yearly
Equanimity The right of self government; self-directing freedom and moral independence
Magnanimous  Unable to distinguish or indifferent to questions of right from wrong; without moral structure
Perennial  To irritate or make unfriendly or hostile
Semiannual Acting or occurring involuntarily
Misanthrope Having mixed feeling about 2 people or things; conflicted in choosing between 2 courses of action
Philanthropy  Literally, no emotion; lacking in emotion, excitement, or passion

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