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Cryptocurrency Terms

Wallet  A system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain
Exchanges Super-important string of numbers and letters you should not share with anyone. This key is necessary to verify transactions when selling or withdrawing your crypto
Blockchain  Any type of decentralized, digital currency that’s based on cryptography
Address Any currency that is backed by the state or country. Basically, it is all kinds of coins we know and use on a daily basis (USD, Euro, CAD, etc.)
Fiat  A cryptocurrency wallet is an app that allows cryptocurrency users to store and retrieve their digital assets. As with conventional currency, you don't need a wallet to spend your cash, but it certainly helps to keep it all in one place.
Defi Platforms that facilitate the trading of cryptocurrencies for other assets, including digital and fiat currencies
Public Keys  Unique string of characters given to every transaction that's verified and added to the blockchain
Private Key  Abbreviated 3-character name of cryptocurrency
Currency Symbol  The identification of a sender or receiver of cryptocurrency on a blockchain network. Crypto addresses are derived from private keys and are just a bunch of alphanumeric characters. They do not identify the participant by name
Transaction ID  A cryptographic code used to facilitate transactions between parties, allowing users to receive cryptocurrencies in their accounts.
Cryptocurrency Financial applications built on blockchain technology that enable digital transactions between multiple parties

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