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Unit 4_Vocabulary_Movement


Please match each vocabulary word with its corresponding definition.

1to climb up _____to say what is on our mind
2to crawl under _____to move forward on foot
3to dive into _____to maintain smooth, continual contact while moving down (something)
4to fall off _____a very large marine mammal
5to hop onto _____to run in a space in many different directions
6to jump over _____drop to the ground
7to run around _____to jump into something quickly and energetically
8to slide down _____the money from a particular country.
9to stand on _____to leap (прыгнуть) over or across something
10to swim through _____to move slowly, either by lying along the ground or on the hands and knees
11to walk along _____to go upward with slow progress
12a whale _____a hard thing that you find on the beach
13a (sea) shell _____to make someone, less sad
14a role _____to buy or sell thing
15to polish _____a function of someone or something
16to cheer up _____clean something so that it shines
17to let it out _____move by jumping on one foot
18to be out of order _____not working properly
19a currency _____to move through water
20to trade _____to be on top of something vertically

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