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Voc. List #5 American Independence

1Preamble _____Colonist were not allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains
2Patriots _____A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies
3Popular sovereignty _____men or women who sold their labor for the cost of a trip from England to the Colonies
4Loyalists _____a formal request
5Confederation _____a firm decision to do or not to do something.
6Neutral _____Rule by the people
7petition _____Colonists dressed up as Native Americans and threw the King's tea into the ocean as a protest.
8Minuteman _____American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence
9Resolution _____A refusal to buy or use goods and services.
10convince _____a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose)
11Militia _____make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something
12Indentured servant _____A written plan of government
13Boycott _____A group of colonists who formed a secret society to oppose British policies at the time of the American Revolution
14Constitution _____Five Colonists were killed by British soldiers.
15Sons of Liberty _____A joining of several groups for a common purpose.
16Proclamation of 1763 _____Not favoring either side
17Boston Massacre _____American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won
18Boston Tea Party _____Colonial militia volunteer who was prepared to fight at a minute's notice

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