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Popper's Penguins Ch 7 & 8

E. Anderson

Vocab for Ch 7 & 8 of Mr. Popper's Penguins.

market save
housekeeper hushed, muted, quiet
Parcheesi cup vaguely; faintly
rookery one who manages and cleans the home
reluctantly energetically
belatedly to scold
dimly a large, clumsy, flightless bird, now extinct
abandoned a collection of nests for birds such as penguins
idle displays
subdued inactive
reproach where shopping is done
derby agreed
dodo left behind
tripod usual
customary used for rolling the dice in the game of Parcheesi
preserve apparently
evidently with regret
vigorously a three-legged stand
exhibits behind schedule
extinct a type of hat
consented no longer existing or living

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