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Popper's Penguins Ch 3 & 4

E. Anderson

Vocab for Ch 3 and 4 of Mr. Popper's Penguins.

receipt a paper that lists the money or goods you have received
debris energetic and active
Captain Cook the war in which the American colonists won their Independence from Britain
meekly appropriate; fitting
expressman waste
dry ice slightly open
scarcely solid carbon dioxide
pompous agreeably; without argument
inquisitive with begging
tobogganed package delivery person
English coasted or slid down
American Revolution someone from Great Britain
washstand curious
upholstered  hardly; barely
suitable seriously; with dignity
lively having a cover or cushion
retreating backing up
pleadingly proud; arrogant
solemnly a stand holding a basin and pitcher for washing one's hands
ajar a famous explorer in the 18th century from England

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