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A Door in the Wall Ch 1 & 2

E. Anderson

The Plague an officer in a monastery
Sir John de Bureford hammered gold often used for gilding
Lady Maud opening
Brother Luke the dining hall of the monastery
The Scottish Wars rude; uncivil
vexation the rear of a ship
embarsure a room in the monastery where manuscripts are copied and stored
malady illuminated; brightened with light
breviary disorder or disease of the body
refectory Robin's mother
almonry Bubonic plague; also known as the Black Death
scriptorium travelers, especially on foot
prior the hollow, lower portion of a ship
Thames where monks distribute gifts to the poor
hull a book containing the daily psalms, hymns, and prayers of the monks
stern friar of St. Mark's who ared for Robin
gold leaf a river flowing through central London
wayfarers irritation; annoyance
illumined Robin's father
impertinent fighting in Scotland started by Edward I and continued by Edward II and III

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