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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Danielle Fahey

1Glucose _____Chlorophyll-containing structure found in plant cells and some single-celled organisms; its function is to produce food for the organism through a process known as photosynthesis
2Organelle _____A green pigment that traps energy from the Sun
3Chloroplast _____Carbon Dioxide
4Photosynthesis _____the substance(s) to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation - substances present at the START of a chemical reaction.
5CO2 _____Water
6Autotrophs _____The process by which glucose combines with oxygen to release energy, carbon dioxide, and water
7Cells _____"The command center of the cell; regulates cell functions and contains the DNA"
8Oxygen _____The substance(s) to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation - substances present at the END of a chemical reaction.
9Chlorophyll _____O2
10Products _____Part of a plant cell that gives it structure.
11H2O _____One of many structures in a cell that performs a specific function.
12Nucleus _____Chemical in which energy is stored and from which energy is released to meet the body’s needs; made during cellular respiration
13Energy _____Part of the cell where cellular respiration takes place.
14Cycle _____Different types could include light, thermal, chemical and kinetic.
15Heterotrophs _____Something that repeats in a pattern
16Mitochondria _____Basic building blocks of life.
17Cellular Respiration _____Organisms that are able to make their own food
18ATP _____Sugar (C6H12O6)
19Reactants _____Organisms that eat other organisms for
20Cell Wall _____The process by which chlorophyll- containing cells use energy from the Sun to combine water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and to release oxygen as a by-product.

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