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Idiom Word Search


More practice on idioms learnt in class.

Time flies over and above every other thing
A stumbling block in thepresence of someone and close enough to meet them
above all not feel very well
be in the red get a process started
dive right in  very quickly
feel under the weather get used to things
no kidding very rarely
head over heels (in love) owe the bank money
leave a lot to be desired an obstaclethat stops the progress of something
once in a blue moon I'm surprised.
on cloud nine a woman who uses the fact that she is attractive to get moneyfrom men
I haven't a clue. eat a quick lunch
in leaps and bounds weeks/days/hours/minutes pass quickly
face to face make people unhappy/ dissatisfied
a gold-digger be disappointing
at the earliest get started on something straight away
finnd one"s feet very happy
get the ball rolling I don't know.
cause discontent amongst people be completely in love with someone
grab lunch not before the time mentioned

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