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Engl 12 Vocab L11-13

Mrs. Taylor

1provocative _____encouraging; inciting
2bumpkin _____a group of attendants; a retinue
3toady _____an entertainment producer or manager
4culpable _____indicated but not expressed; implied silently
5hortatory _____likely
6penultimate _____a gradual increase in intensity, force, or volume
7orotund _____a person who flatters for personal gain
8blithe _____related to or resembling an ape or monkey
9soporific _____beneficial; favorable
10pervasive _____an unsophisticated, awkward person
11benign _____tending to excite or stimulate
12frenetic _____required; necessary
13recrimination _____a chief butler or assistant
14indecorous _____unnecessarily wordy or evasive language
15corroborate _____a deviation or error in speech, manners, or deeds
16majordomo _____to strengthen by adding evidence
17untenable _____deserving blame or condemnation; guilty
18perambulate _____indirect; roundabout
19veneer _____emitting light
20timorous _____tending to induce sleep
21luminous _____to plunder or pillage
22circuitous _____a thin, attractive layer that conceals something common or coarse
23perquisite _____lacking good taste; improper
24probity _____next to last
25polemical _____a deliberately misleading story
26tacit _____permeating; spreading throughout
27largesse _____generosity
28indolent _____to walk about; to stroll
29circumlocution _____the history of a word; the study of word origins
30depredate _____lazy
31canard _____carefree and lighthearted
32wont _____vague bodily or emotional discomfort or uneasiness
33etymology _____impossible to defend or justify
34cortege _____a defensive wall or embankment
35solecism _____relating to ordinary people
36demotic _____a counteraccusation
37simian _____uncompromising; refusing to moderate
38impresario _____a tip or payment in addition to regular wages; perks
39requisite _____wildy excited
40bulwark _____full and rich in sound (in speech)
41malaise _____relating to controversy or argument
42disingenuous _____integrity; respectability
43crescendo _____insincere; calculating
44intransigent _____timid
45dogged _____unrelenting; persistent

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