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Review Game Chapter 7 - Mx Independence

Ms. Kreag

Review the key names and events in Chapter 7, Mexico's fight for Independence.

Father Hidalgo issues a grito. Creates uprising in Mexico. Hidalgo was captured and executed.
Gutierrez de Lara asks the United States for help Revolutionaries choose this French pirate as commander of Galveston.
Republican Army defeats the Spanish at San Antonio. Magee died suddenly and American Samuel Kemper took command, the Spanish forces retreated to San Antonio where Spanish officials surrendered the city to the Republicans. Victorious leaders issued a declaration of independence for Texas.
Republican Army meets the Spanish at the Medina RIver. Began the call for Mexican revolution with his speech at Dolores, known as the Grito de Dolores.
James Long leads rebels into Texas. Rebels regrouped at Galveston Island. From there, Long led 300 rebels into Tx and easily captured Nacogdoches. Declared TX an independent Republic and elected Long as President.
Long meets the Spanish at Goliad In Washington DC, American leaders sent him to Louisiana for men, money, and supplies. This was the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition which created the Republican Army - Tejanos, Natives, and American fillibusters.
Juan Bautista de las Casas Led the Army of the Republic gathered in Louisiana into Texas winning battles and declaring Texas free from Spanish rule.
Father Miguel Hidalgo Spanish surrounded and captured Long’s forces, Long taken to Mx. City and killed there.
Jose Gutierrez de Lara & Augustus Magee His Plan de Iguala, developed three guarantees: (1) Mexico would be independent from Spain; (2) the Mexican people would unite and be equal; (3) Mexico would remain a Roman Catholic country.
Conditions of the Adams-Onís Led a revolt against the governor of Spanish Texas in 1811 and served as head of the province for 39 days until he was deposed and killed.
Neutral Ground  The Spanish King Charles III ordered him complete an inspection of the northern frontier of New Spain from California to Texas.
Louis Michel Aury Land that did not belong to a country. Between 1806 and 1819, no nation governed it. This was to stop fighting between Americans and Spanish in Texas.
Marqués de Rubí Spain gave Florida to the United States. Spain agreed to the Sabine River as the eastern boundary of Texas. The United States gave up all claims to Texas. The Neutral Ground was now in U.S. territory.
Agustin de Iturbide General Arredondo led the Spanish to defeat the Republican Army, most rebels killed.

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