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Body systems and effects of massage


Match the system with its function and effect with its system.

For example: Urinary- Helps regulate ph or Improves overall digestive function- Digestive system

Integumentary System Muscular System
Skeletal System Integumentary System
Muscular System Lymphatic System
Nervous System Respiratory System
Endocrine System Digestive system
Lymphatic System Difference of male and female structures
Cardiovascular System Nervous System
Respiratory System Variety of defense systems to resistance disease.
Urinary System Breakdown and absorption of food and nutrients
Reproductive System Communication and control center
Digestive System Body's protective outer covering.
Improves the Function of eliminating waste Exchange and regulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body
Helps impact fertility Provides Structure and Framework
Most direct impact on this system and the lymphatic system Works with the nervous system to help coordinate and control the body systems.
Improves ease of breathing Pump blood throughout the body
Improved local blood flow Cardiovascular System
Improves immune response Apply tension to the body to create movement
Helps improve mental wellness, sleep, and stress Produces, stores, and eliminates urine.
Helps to improve body systems communication Urinary System
Helps improve structural components of the body Reproductive System
The color, temperature, and texture help provide information about the body. Endocrine System

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