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IRA Forms

Please match the forms with the correct purposes

1 Traditional IRA Simplifier _____Document changes to IRA owner information or account status
2Traditional & SIMPLE IRA Withdrawal Authorization _____Recharacterize a Traditional or Roth IRA contribution (an irrevocable election)
3Contribution and Investment Selection _____Open a Traditional IRA
4Change Notice _____Request a transfer of Roth IRA assets to a Roth IRA
5Direct Transfer Instructions _____ Request a direct movement of assets from an employer-sponsored retirement plan to an IRA.
6Traditional & SIMPLE IRA Transfer Request _____Request a transfer of Traditional IRA or SIMPLE IRA assets to a Traditional IRA or SIMPLE IRA
7IRA Direct Rollover Request _____Document an ESA distribution
8Roth IRA Simplifier _____Designate additional account beneficiaries
9Roth IRA Transfer Request _____Request a direct movement of assets from an employer-sponsored retirement plan to an IRA
10IRA Direct Rollover Request _____Request a direct movement of assets from an employer-sponsored retirement plan to an IRA.
11Beneficiary Designation/Change _____Request a direct rollover of QRP assets or a transfer of IRA assets to a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA
12Beneficiary Addendum _____Designate or change account beneficiaries
13Contribution Recharacterization _____Document an IRA distribution
14IRA Direct Rollover Request _____Document an IRA contribution
15ESA Withdrawal Authorization _____Open a Roth IRA

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