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Art 300


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Form Analysis Coming together, such as ray traces converging to a point in percpective
Five Basic Forms A 2-D surface foreshortened as seen in space
Abstract The logical repetition of anything
Concave The area surrounding the solid or positive objects
Convergence The darkest area of shade on a form
Convex The lightest area on a form
Core Shadow Having form or depth
Cross Contour Drawing the hidden construction lines
Cross Hatch An evenly shaded area
Draw Through An effort to visually define your world by what you know and understand about drawing
High Key Refers to the greatest dimension of a ellipse
Highlight An area or plane where a portion is pushed or extended outward.
Light Logic A composition where all the values are light
Low Key Toning or texturing with short parallel strokes
Major Axis A flat surface, having no depth
Marking Your World Deviation from real form
Media Understanding the composite parts that make up a complex object
Negative Space Your drawing or painting surface
Pattern The materials for drawing: pencils, ink, paint, etc.
Perspective Surface quality: tactile or visual
Picture Plane Shading around or across the form to show mass or volume
Plane Distortion with the intent to enhance
Stylize A transparent tone using liquid media
Technique The quality of light or dark
Texture Cube, sphere, cylinder, triangle and rectangle
Three-Dimensional A natural application of highlight and shadow to the form.
Two-Dimensional A 3-D illusion on a 2-D surface
Uniform Tone Seeing and drawing the entire composition
Value "How it's done," i.e., realistic or abstract, tight or loose
Application A composition where all the values are dark
Whole Drawing A recessed area or plane

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