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8th US History part 1

Amanda Garza

matching history terms

1607 1730’s – Emotional sermons at revival meetings made faith more important for American colonists
English Bill of Rights Religious group that wanted to escape persecution, Founded the colony of Plymouth in 1620
1215 1774 - Britain punishes colonists severely for the Boston Tea Party ● Also known as the Coercive Acts
Virginia House of Burgesses Polish born Jewish immigrant ● Patriot who helped finance the American Revolution
1620 ● Patriot, Anti-Federalist ● “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Cash Crops Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire ● Rocky soil and Cold Winters ● Economy of Shipbuilding, Fishing, Trade, Small Farming
Puritans Delegates met in Philadelphia and agreed to boycott British goods, stop trade with England, and form militias
Catholics Known for the Midnight Ride in which he warned the colonists of British troop movements
Pilgrims Goods or products that are brought into the country through trade
Quakers 3 G's God, Gold and Glory
Middle Passage Founder of Sons of Liberty (the group that organized the Boston Tea Party)
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1766 - British soldiers could stay in colonists’ homes ● Colonists would provide food and lodging
Reasons for European Exploration Trade route between Europe, Africa, and the New World
Lord Charles Cornwallis Religious group that wanted to escape persecution in Europe, Founded the colony of Pennsylvania
Mercantilism  March 5, 1770 – 5 civilians were killed by British soldiers including Crispus Attucks
King George III Turning Point of the American Revolution ● France and Spain joined the side of the Patriots
John Locke Power and right to govern comes from the people who choose leaders to make the laws on their behalf
William Blackstone 1639 - The first example of a written constitution in the colonies. Influenced by Thomas Hooker
New England Colonies a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower. Examples include cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, indigo, and rice
Middle Colonies ● 1754-1763 ● British and American soldiers fought French and Native American soldiers for control of North America.
Southern Colonies Founded Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1620 Wanted to reform or purify the Church of England
Charles de Montesquieu Officially ended American Revolution. ● United States was recognized as a nation by England
Thomas Paine The date that the Magna Carta was signed by King John, limited the power of the king of England
French and Indian War Enlightenment thinker who argued for people’s natural rights (life, liberty, property)
Imports  The date of the Declaration of Independence ● formally separated the colonists from England
Exports Quaker who founded Pennsylvania as a “holy experiment” ● purpose was Peace and Religious Tolerance
Triangular Trade Wrote Common Sense - a pamphlet about the ideas of independence
William Penn Goods or products that are sent out of the country through trade
Albany Plan of Union Washington’s troops endured difficult winter in Pennsylvania ● thousands died due to lack of food and clothing ● Baron von Steuben trained and inspired the troops
Representative Government 1619 First representative assembly in the colonies
Tolerance New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ● “Breadbasket” Colonies – grew wheat, barley, rye, oats, and other grains. ● Diversity and Religious Tolerance.
First Great Awakening Colonists declare loyalty to King George III but ask him to cancel Intolerable Acts ● Final effort at Peace by colonists
Battle of Saratoga The part of the triangular trade involving the forced migration of Africans to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade
Boston Massacre American Naval Hero during the American Revolution ● “I have not yet begun to fight!”
Valley Forge King of England during The American Revolution
Boston Tea Party 765 - tax on legal documents, newspapers, licenses, diplomas, dice, and playing cards. ● One event that lead to the American Revolution
Lexington and Concord 1773 - Act of civil disobedience in which colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor
Battle of Yorktown Politician, Statesman, Author, and Inventor ● Signed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution ● Secured French help for the Patriots during the American Revolution
Thomas Jefferson ● 1775 ● “Shot Heard Round the World” ● First Battles of the American Revolution
1776 Main complaint by the Colonists against the British
George Washington Colonists forbidden by England to settle west of Appalachian Mountains
Paul Revere British general who lost at Yorktown during the American Revolution
Crispus Attucks Main writer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 ● 3rd President of the U.S. ● Purchased Louisiana Territory in 1803
John Paul Jones An economic system where European countries use trade and colonies to gain wealth and power
Samuel Adams The date that the Plymouth colony established Mayflower Compact signed by the Pilgrims to create self-government
Sugar Act 1st African American killed at the Boston Massacre
Quartering Act English lawyer and judge. Wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England. Colonists referenced his writings when arguing for self-government
Intolerable Acts Acceptance of others beliefs, actions, and customs
Proclamation of 1763 1764 - tax on sugar and molasses, one event leading to revolution
Stamp Act French political thinker ● Wrote Spirit of the Laws ● Argued for separation of powers (executive, legislative, judicial)
Tea Act ● 1781 ● Final surrender that ends at the Revolutionary War
Olive Branch Petition African American who made an all-night ride to warn colonists of British troop movement
Treaty of Paris in 1783 Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia ● Year round growing season ● Cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo ● Slavery and Plantations.
Abigail Adams 1766 tax that lead to the Boston Tea Party
First & Second Continental Congress The date that Jamestown, Virginia was settled as the first permanent English Settlement in the New World
Patrick Henry 1689 Created separation of powers and limited the powers of the king and queen
“No Taxation Without Representation” ● Wife of John Adams ● Fought for women’s rights ● Urged John Adams to “Remember the ladies …”
Wentworth Cheswell Religious group that wanted to escape persecution, Founded the colony of Maryland
Benjamin Franklin ● “Join or Die …” ● 1754 - An early attempt by Ben Franklin at forming a union of the colonies "under one government” during the French and Indian War.
Haym Solomon Commanding General of the Continental Army ● 1st President of United States

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