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HR - Organization Terms - Word Match #3 of 3 (2019)

Karen Burton

For practice of HR Terms dealing with the Organization

Social engineering Process of implementing a talent management strategy for identifying and fostering the development of high-potential employees or other job candidates who, over time, may move into leadership positions of increased responsibility.
Social networks Development and integration of HR processes that attract, develop, engage, and retain the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that will meet current and future organizational needs.
Software as a service (SaaS) All activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet the organization's strategic needs.
Span of control Group of workers who coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer or group of employers; also called labor union.
Staff units Situation in which workers slow processes by performing tasks exactly to specifications or according to job or task descriptions.
Succession planning Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.
Sympathy strike Violation of employee rights; act prohibited under labor relations statutes.
Talent management Software that is owned, delivered, and managed remotely and delivered over the Internet to contracted customers on a pay-for-use basis or as a subscription based on use metrics.
Trade union Groups that represent employees, generally on a local or organizational level, for the primary purpose of receiving from employers and conveying to employees information about the workforce and the health of the enterprise.
Turnover rate Online clustering of individuals in groups with common or shared interests.
Unfair labor practice (ULP) Activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet current and future organizational and individual needs.
Wildcat strike In a computer context, tricking a user into sharing information that can then be used to access systems.
Workforce analysis Work stoppages at union contract operations that have not been sanctioned by the union.
Workforce management Action taken in support of another union that is striking the employer.
Workforce planning Work groups that assist line units by providing specialized services, such as HR.
Works councils Annualized formula that tracks number of separations and total number of workforce employees per month.
Work-to-rule Systematic approach to anticipate human capital needs and data HR professionals can use to ensure that appropriate knowledge, skills, or abilities will be available when needed to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.

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