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Nat. Geo Voc. List #8 Roman Empire 2

1Pax Romana _____The leader of the Catholic Church
2Twelve Apostels _____The disciples of Jesus that help him spread his message
3Roman Catholic Church _____A religion that believes that Jesus was the messiah or son of god
4Paul _____Official church of the Roman Empire
5New Testament _____The Roman emperor who made Christianity the official religion of rome
6Jesus _____a picture formed by using many pieces of color glass or tiles
7gospels _____The first Roman emperor
8Constantine _____A traveler who goes to other countries to preach their religious message
9Christianity _____A water way used to transport water
10Pope _____The books that were written after Jesus's death
11Parable _____He persecuted Christians but eventually converted to Christianity
12Missionary _____The founder of Christianity
13Augustus _____The book that presents the history, teachings and beliefs of Christianity
14Aqueducts _____Stories that teach a lesson
15Mosaic _____an era of peace in Rome that lasted 200 years

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