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Lead in vocab

get There are 26 letters in the English A.................
column My dad has got b....... eyes.
object The teacher writes on the w............ in class.
bag I am sitting on a ...................
box Your book is on the t.............
CD player What is that? it is an umbrella
chair W.................... your name and telephone number on this paper.
clean There is .................... in the fridge.
look He has got light b................ hair.
nothing I like to l................ at animals at zoo.
noun My son has a p............... in Japan.
pen We can hear the s................ of traffic outside.
penpal W.................. is your favorite colour?
picture Your shoes are s............. color as mine.
projector He never uses a c................. or a brush in the mornings.
table How do you say 'table' in French?
which We use a p................... in my class.
Whiteboard Do you like this white one or black one?
word There are twelve s.................... in my class.
ask My f................... color is black.
national I use a .................. to write.
pair Which car is y...............?
partner I listen to music on my C......................
point 'Photograph' is a difficult w............... to spell.
student That jumper is .....................
take Cereal comes in b.......s.
take turns P.............. to the correct answer.
work This is my school ...............
blue Write your name in this ................. and your age in that............
brown this is an apple
green It's your t............ to do the washing-up.
orange My sister has got g............. eyes.
purple Visitors usually a........... about the castle.
red I always t.............. my camera with me when I go on holiday.
white There are five ................... on the table.
yellow He has got a new p............. of trousers.
answer Can you r.................... the answer, please!
favourite I like your o.................. T-shirt.
what Her favorite color is y.................
alphabet I like to l...... to rock music.
comb The Stars and Stripes is the national flag of the USA.
has He doesn't like the colour p..................
letter Where di you get that shirt?
listen This is a p................ of my family.
same Can you a............. this question for me, please!
sound 'Queueing' is a word with five v................. in it.
vowel Write a list of ten ....................
write I like your w................. shirt.
repeat I write a l............... to my penpal every month.
an She h..... two sons and four daughters.
it She drives a r.............. sports car.
or She invited all her colleagues and their p.............. to her party.
say She works in a big office in New York.

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