the art of swaying others feelings, beliefs, or actions | | parody |
a complex lyric poem that develops a serious a dignified theme | | periodical |
a poem presenting shepherds in rural settings, usually in an idealized manner | | personification |
the restarting of information in one’s own words | | oxymoron |
a particular type of plot in which two stories of equal importance are told simultaneously | | parallelism |
the use of words whose sounds echo their meanings | | paraphrase |
a special kind of concise paradox that brings together two contradictory terms | | onomatopoeia |
an imitation of another work, a type of literature, or a writer’s style, usually for the purpose of poking fun | | parallel plot |
a publication that is issued at regular intervals of more than one day | | pastoral |
a figure of speech in which human qualities are given to an object, animal, or idea | | ode |
a voice that a writer assumes in a particular work | | persona |
a seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may nonetheless suggest an important truth | | persuasion |
the use of similar grammatical constructions to express ideas that are related or equal in importance | | paradox |