fluid ounce | | a customary measurment of weight (16 ounces) |
pound | | a metric measurement of length (100 centimeters) |
ton | | a customary measurement of length (3 feet) |
ounce | | a customary measurement of capacity (16 cups/8 pints/4 quarts ) |
cup | | a metric measurement of mass (the smallest measurement of mass) |
pint | | commonly used in other countries |
quart | | a customary measurement of capacity (8 ounces) |
galllon | | a customary measurement of length (about the size of your thumb) |
milliliter | | commonly used in the United States |
liter | | a metric measurement of length (about as wide as a fingernail) |
miligram | | a customary measurement of weight (the smallest unit of mass) |
kilogram | | a metric measurement of length (the thickness of a dime) |
gram | | the amount that something can hold |
inch | | a metric measurement of mass (1000 grams) |
foot | | measure of gravity |
yard | | how far from end to end |
mile | | a customary measurement of length (used to measure long distances) |
millimeter | | a metric measurement of capacity (used for very small amounts of liquid) |
centimeter | | a customary measurement of capacity (2 cups) |
meter | | a customary measurement of length (12 inches) |
kilometer | | a metric measurement of capacity (about the size of a coke bottle) |
customary units | | a metric measurement of length (measure distance from one place to another) |
metric units | | how much matter something contains |
capacity | | a metric measurement of mass (about the weight of a paper clip) |
weight | | a customary measurement of weight (the largest unit of mass) |
mass | | a customary measurement of capacity (about how much fits in a medicine cup) |
length | | a customary measurement of capacity (2 pints/4 cups) |