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Exam 2

Bio11 Chang

Material from chapters 7-11

skull bones are united by cartilage
suture lines forearm rotates medially (palm faces posteriorly)
cartilaginous joints acetylcholine (ACh)
vertebral column space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings
opposition uniaxial movement
annulus fibrosus turning the sole laterally
synaptic cleft contain nucleus pulposus, limit its expansion
condyloid joints single neuron and all the fibers it innervates
posterior longitudinal ligament exaggerated lumbar curvature
articular cartilage oppose a particular movement
myofilaments filtrate of blood; viscous, similar to raw egg white
motor unit attachment sites for some head and neck muscles
kyphosis opposite movement to protraction
fascicles contains elastic connective tissue and very strong
syndesmoses smaller bundles within the whole muscle
pronation composed of proteins (actin and myosin)
protraction interconnect tubules surrounding each myofibril
sarcoplasmic reticulum only movement between atlas and axis vertebrae
nucleus pulposus provide openings, passage of air and food
antagonist joint cavity is enclosed in a two-layered capsule
temporomandibular (TMJ) intermediate; oxygen dependent
saddle joints binds to sodium ligand gated channel
lordosis Missing phrase2 - 44
synovial fluid bones connected exclusively by ligaments
resting potential help prime mover
plane joint cushioning pad, act as shock absorbers
third-class lever individual muscle cell
ligamentum flavum fibrocartilage; deepens glenoid cavity
lever attachments for ribs and muscles
retraction gelatinous, acts like a rubber ball
supination applied force; muscle contraction
facial bones ends of opposing bones, covered with hyaline cartilage; absorbs compression
neuromuscular junction away from midline
rotation saw-toothed appearance
hinge joints nonangular movement of jutting out the jaw
fibrous joints turning the sole medially
acetylcholine (ACh) a rigid bar that moves; bones
lateral excursion multiaxial movement
slow oxidative fibers wraps each muscle cell
anterior longitudinal ligament the largest and most complex joint
knee (tibiofemural) joint produce ATP aerobically
effort thumb moves across the palm to touch the tips of other fingers
medial excursion approximately -70mV in most neurons
neurotransmitter the point where nerve ending (axon) and muscle fiber meet
pivot joints exaggerated thoracic curvature
eversion bones connected by fibrous connective tissue
fast glycolytic fibers most easily dislocated joint
synovial joints produce ATP anaerobically
invertebral discs most movable type of joint, all diarthrotic
synergist always at a mechanical disadvantage
muscle fiber specialized contractile organelles
glenoid labrum biaxial movement
epimysium attaches strongly to bony vertebrae and intervertebral discs
ball-and-socket joints surrounds each fascicle (group of muscle fibers)
perimysium surrounds entire muscle
articular capsule toward midline
myofibrils forearm rotates laterally (palm faces anteriorly)
inversion Missing phrase2 - 21
fast oxydative fibers narrow and weak, attaches to intervertebral discs
endomysium short gliding movements are allowed

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